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Sick leave in Serbia

The employee has the right to compensation during their absence from work due to temporary incapacity.

Compensation for temporary work incapacity during the first 30 days is provided by the employer from their own funds, while from the 31st day onward, the compensation is provided by the Republic Fund.

Exceptionally from paragraph 2 of this article salary compensation is provided to the insured from the mandatory health insurance funds starting from the first day of incapacity for work due to voluntary donation of organs, cells, or tissues. This also applies to the insured mother, father, adoptive parent, or other insured person caring for a child, during the period of temporary incapacity for work due to the care of a sick child under the age of three.

Exceptionally from paragraph 2 of this article compensation continues to be provided to the insured by the employer's funds even after 30 days if the incapacity for work is caused by a work-related injury or occupational disease.

The basis for the payment of salary compensation, which is paid from the employer's funds, is the average salary from the previous 12 months prior to the month in which the temporary incapacity for work occurred. However, this amount cannot be lower than the minimum salary established in accordance with the Law.

The amount of salary compensation paid from the employer's funds is:

  1. 65% (sixty-five percent) of the average salary, if the incapacity for work is caused by:
    1. Illness or injury outside of work,
    2. a mandated isolation measure due to the employee being a carrier of an infectious disease or due to the presence of infectious diseases in their environment,
    3. the need to care for a sick or injured immediate family member,
    4. being designated as the attendant for a sick insured person sent for treatment or medical examination in another location, or while staying as an attendant in a stationary healthcare facility, in accordance with the regulations governing the conditions for exercising rights under mandatory health insurance.
  2. 100% (one hundred percent) of the average salary, if the incapacity for work is caused by:
    1. a work-related injury or occupational disease,
    2. illness or complications related to maintaining pregnancy

Table 1 – The basis for Salary Compensation

Basis for salary compensation paid from the employer’s funds

Basis for salary compensation paid from mandatory health insurance funds

Average salary from the 12 months prior to the month in which the temporary incapacity for work occurred.

Average salary earned by the insured during the 12 months preceding the month in which the temporary incapacity for work occurred.

Months for which the employee has not received any salary calculations are not included in the calculation of the average salary.

For months during which no salary was earned, the basis for calculation is the minimum wage for those months.

There is no limit on the maximum amount of compensation.

The basis for salary compensation for each individual month included in the average salary cannot exceed the maximum monthly base on which contributions were paid for the month included in the average salary calculation.

Table2 – Amount of Compensation for Work Based on the Reason for Incapacity

Reasons for Incapacity for Work

Amount of Compensation

Payment from the Employer's Funds

Payment from Mandatory Health Insurance Funds

Illness or injury outside of work


up to 30 days


beyond 30 days

Occupational disease or work-related injury


during the period of incapacity


Illness or complications related to maintaining pregnancy


up to 30 days

beyond 30 days

Mandated isolation measures due to being a carrier of an infectious disease or the presence of infectious diseases in their environment


up to 30 days

beyond 30 days

Care for a sick or injured immediate family member – excluding care for a child under the age of three


up to 30 days

beyond 30 days

Care for a sick or injured immediate family member – care for a child under the age of three



during the period of incapacity

Voluntary donation of organs, cells, and tissues, excluding voluntary blood donation



during the period of incapacity

The employee is designated as the attendant for a sick insured person who is sent for treatment or a medical examination in another location, or while staying as an attendant in a stationary healthcare facility.


up to 30 days

during the period of incapacity

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