Conditions for employment of foreigners in Serbia.
In accordance with the provisions of Law of employment of foreigners ("Off. SFRY", no. 11/78 and 64/89, "Off. Gazette SRY", no. 42/92, 24/94 and 28/96 and "Off. Gazette RS" no. 101/2005, hereinafter Law) foreigner can start employment under the following conditions:
A foreigner who is employed must have working booklet which is issued under the same conditions as to the citizen of the Republic of Serbia and in accordance with the Regulations on Work Booklet ("Fig. Gazette of RS", no. 17/97).
A foreigner can get employed without approval for employment if he obtain permit for temporary or permanent residence permit and a work relations are established for the performance of professional duties set forth:
Also, the Law provides for the possibility that a foreigner may work without employment contracts based on contract of temporary work. This agreement may be concluded for a period up to 3 months in a calendar year.